Have you ever felt like you are running yourself ragged? I learned a very important lesson this year. I was spread too thin! I had taken on so many projects and commitments that I never felt relaxed or truly productive. I was jumping from one thing to the next and when I wasn't actually working on something, my mind was taking constant inventory of all the upcoming tasks I needed to do. What I came to realize was all this busyness was interfering with my most important priorities. The question became, what to do about it?
I was reminded of the KISS principle I learned from my father-in-law. For those of you who don't already know, KISS in this case stands for Keep It Simple Stupid. Life can getting pretty complex when you are running a business and have any kind of life, especially if that life includes those gorgeous, demanding little creatures we call children. We have about a million tasks and roles to manage from keeping up with business emails to coaching soccer to buying the one hundred or so end-of-year teacher gifts. Then, of course, there is working out, planning meals, your book club, your kid's book club, designing a new logo, reading that new Facebook marketing book… The list could be endless. However, if you do not get control you will probably continue to feel tired, distracted and discontent. Here are a few tips to help you be a better kisser:
1. Get very clear about your priorities and I don't mean your top 10 priorities, I mean like your top 3-5. Anything that is not directly associated with your top five should be cut out or severly diminished.
2. End the love affair with multitasking. There have been several studies out recently that prove multitasking is actually less efficient than single focused effort. This is especially hard for women.
3. Get comfortable saying "no." Again, sorry fellas, women are very inclined to want to be helpful or at least be seen as being helpful. It can be very difficult at first to turn down a request for help, but the more you do, the easier it gets.
4. Take the word "should" out of your decision making process when choosing what stays and what goes in your life. You think you "should" go to ladies night out so you won't seem unfriendly. If your main priority is your health and you need to get up at 5am to go to the gym in the morning, going to ladies night is not the best choice.
5. Learn to delegate what you do not need to do. There are lots of things we do that do not actually need our hands on attention. Make a list of what you can give to someone else to do. For example, do you really need to be the one who attends every meeting or can someone else go and fill you in later. Do you always have to be the one to pack the school lunches, or can you take turns with your spouse?
One last thing, pay attention to the way you feel. How does it make you feel to be involved with what you are doing? Do you feel happy about your job, your volunteer work, you family responsibilities, or do you have a feeling of reluctance, dread, or low energy? Personally, I have followed all of these tips in the past several months and things have changed a lot for me. I can honestly say I am now a better kisser!