Is Your Personal Brand Ready for Promotion?

Have you ever wondered why sometimes really smart, qualified people are not promoted?  Why is it that some entrepreneurs are able to grab the spotlight while others stumble around in anonymity? Two articles I read recently in the Harvard Business Review and Marie Claire magazine address this issue by talking about something called “executive presence.” All other things being equal such as experience or education, the person with the strongest executive presence, or what I call good personal branding, will get the promotion or in the case of the entrepreneur, the business.

“You’re smart, driven, and good at what you do. But that alone won’t be enough to score you a promotion or corner office. A slew of other factors that constitute “executive presence”–from your wardrobe to your ability to inspire colleagues–will also play a huge role in how far you will go.”– Marie Claire Magazine

A study conducted by Sylvia Ann Hewlett of the Center for Talent Innovation (CTI) concluded that having executive presence “accounts for as much as 28 percent of a woman’s success.”  That means almost a third of what goes into your success is not based on how well you actually do your job! So what makes up executive presence?  According to Hewlett, there are three basic factors:  how you look, how you speak and how you behave. “It’s all three things and nailing them makes you a contender.”

Let’s take a closer look… [Read more…]

Don’t let your brand go up in smoke

Don't let your brand go up in smokeAs it’s getting closer to Christmas season and the colder weather is setting in, I need to get our chimney cleaned so we can enjoy a cozy fire during the holidays. As I was putting this task on my to-do list I suddenly flashed back to a scene in my living room many years ago when a chimney sweeper was at our house. I had been practicing some repertoire when he arrived so he heard me singing. He complimented me and went on to say that he wished he had a special talent. I know he was referring to some musical or artistic talent, however, I reassured him he did have a special talent which I truly believe.

I think everyone has special gifts and abilities. The problem the chimney sweep was having, and that many people have, is he was unable to recognize his talents. Sometimes we think if we are not  good at things like sports or music, we are not gifted. Not true. Everyone has strengths and skills. The trick is to unearth those abilities and nurture them to allow them to grow. Your gift’s purpose or usefulness may not be immediately obvious, but there is a need and place for everyone at the table. You must be careful not to judge your gift as insignificant or less valuable than that of another person  because you never know how, given a chance, your talents can manifest themselves in beautiful and powerful ways.

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Find Your Path with Personal Branding

Find Your Path with Personal BrandingWe live in a world where everyday there are more and more options available to us, especially for women. It used to be that as a woman your two main career choices were either nurse or teacher. Nurses and teachers happen to be my personal heroes so I’m not knocking those professions. Now, however, a woman can choose to be just about anything her heart desires. This is a great improvement, but it comes with its own set of challenges. With so many options it can be hard to choose a direction. Wouldn’t it be great if there was some magic wand you could wave that would just point you in the right direction? Well, there is and it’s call personal branding.

At its core, personal branding is about clarity, clarity about who you are, what you have to offer, and how you want to express that in the world. When you are clear about what makes you tick and what your unique contribution can be, your decision process becomes infinitely easier. You start to recognize which opportunities will enhance your life experience and which ones will lead you further away from home base. You personal brand is always there for you to tap into like a life compass.

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Feel Good Branding

Feel Good BrandingIf you've been reading this blog, then you are probably somewhat familiar with branding and some of its benefits. Good branding can create a loyal, excited following. It can increase your sales. It can differentiate you from your competition and establish you as an expert in your field. Wow, those are all fantastic benefits of branding!  However, I think the very best benefit of personal branding is not often talked about. It is the FEELING YOU GET from living and working from and with those parts of you which feel most authentic and exciting TO YOU.

If you are in business, you are in business to make money. If you were not doing business to make money, you would be dabbling in a hobby. So of course, when you think about branding you will focus on the financial benefits. You are not going to waste your time and marketing dollars on frivolous, touchy-feel-good gimmicks. However, what could be more valuable than your own happiness. I know it sounds pretty grandiose to talk about personal branding that way, but that's the way it is. When you are really in touch with what makes you tick, what you are good at, how you best express yourself in the world and when you can move through your life freely and enthusiastically working from those premises, you feel a deep satisfaction and joy. The kicker is feeling good and excited about how you work and express yourself can also be financially rewarding.  It's a win-win situation.

When you are joyful in your work other people respond to that energy. Have you ever met someone who seems to radiate good vibes? How does it make you feel to be around that person or interact with them? Great, right? There is a gas station near my gym that I love going to. The attendant there has such great energy. Rain, snow or shine he has a smile on his face, asks how I'm doing and gives great service. Do you think I drive out of my way to get my gas there?  You bet I do. It makes me FEEL good to buy my gas there. His energy is infectious.

When are clear about your personal brand and become comfortable projecting that brand into the marketplace, YOU become that infectious person others are drawn to.  However, the greatest gift is the way you feel about yourself and that, my friends, is priceless.

A Royal Brand

In the past weeks you could not turn on the television, computer or radio without hearing about the upcoming wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.  Some people were glued to every detail while others were turned-off by the whole deluge of information.  Whichever side you came down on, you have to admit it was an incredibly successful event.  It produced all the grandeur and spectical one would expect from a royal wedding, yet somehow it also felt real and personal.  That my friends is a great example of successful branding!

Ok, so it can be kind of crude to liken a wedding, one of the most significant days in a person's life, to personal branding.  You'll have to excuse me for the comparison (I guess it's the performer in me), but after all, when you get down to it, a wedding is a performance and performances are all about expression.  Of course, the main expression is the love and devotion the bride and groom have for each other, but many other things are expressed as well.  The dress the bride chooses, the flowers, the music, even the entree choices are all a reflection of the tastes and preferences of the happy couple and their families. 

Wedding guests take notice of these details and make comments about how beautiful the bride was or how tasty the food was.  However, when a couple manages to really personalize their ceremony with unique and thoughtful details, guests leave with a more memorable experience.  They get a deeper sense of who the couple is, what they care about and also how the couple feels about them.  Isn't that what we want our brands to do for us, to differentiate us in the mind of our audience?  We want them to leave our presence feeling a deeper connection to us, feeling like we've paid attention to the details and that we are authentic in the expression of the things that matter most in our lives.

So here's lifting a glass to Will & Kate. And here's to you creating your own spectacular, personal performance.

Will your brand be memorable?

This week I am an vacation with my family in beautiful Sanibel, Florida.  We are renting a lovely house near the beach.  Upon arrival I met the current owner of the property who explained to me the house's original owner died six months after the house was completed and therefore some of the personal pictures are still on the walls.  As we settled in I had a chance to look around and noticed these pictures.  Much to my surprise they are snapshots of the former owner with Bill & Hillary Clinton, the Pope, with Jimmy Carter and several other extremely important figures.  Out of curiousity I also googled her and found out that she had been one of the most influencial activists and lobbyist in the political world in the 70's and 80's, a feat not easily accomplished, especially by a woman at that time.

Staying in this house, looking at those pictures has made me think about my own legacy.  What mark am I making on the world, on my community, and most importantly, on my family?  What do I want to accomplish in my life time?  Fortunately, I am already pretty clear about my goals and my purpose because of my own personal branding.  My greatest value is, of course, my family.  I do make them a priority. When and if I notice that I am getting too involved with other projects or distractions, I refocus my attention back to them.  Staying close to this value keeps me feeling grateful, grounded and loved.

One of the other legacies I would like to leave behind is a path for other women to follow showing them how to claim their own powerful voices, to revel in them and to monetize them.  I would like to show them how deeply satisfying it is to align your passions and values with your work.  When you do, you create a very fuzzy line between work and play.  It is such a joyful experience.  If I can bring that to more people I will feel like I have given a unique and powerful gift in my lifetime.

Now it's your turn.   What do you want to acomplish in your lifetime?   

Consistency is Key to Successful Branding

One complaint I often hear from my international friends is how homogenized the shopping experience can be in the United States.  You can go from Boston to Miami and find the exact same stores and the exact same merchandise in those stores.  True there are times when I long for a unique shopping experience, but I also find it comforting to know when I travel I can usually find whatever I need at a local Target store.  Or if I get hungry, I know I can get the egg-white flat bread sandwich at any Dunkin' Donuts.  You know what to expect when you think of those stores.  It is consistent and reliable.

One of the wonderful benefits of watching a high-level artist is having the ability to get lost in the performance because you know they are going to deliver something great.  You don't worry about whether or not they will hit the notes.  These performers have earned our trust and as a result we continue to be fans and even evangelists on their behalf.  We have confidence in them because they are consistently spectacular.

Of course, the same can be true for your personal brand, but first YOU must be consistent.  Are you consistent in the way you express your brand? Are you consistent in the way you interact with your colleagues?  Do you consistently say thank you?  Are you consistent in your appearance or your online identity?   When you are not consistent, your audience loses faith and loses interest. However, when you consistently express your brand with excellence, you create raving fans and consistent followers. 

The Personal Branding Compass

I recently heard an interview with Elizabeth Lesser, a leader in the field of emotional intelligence, where she said, "If you don't know who you are, how can you follow your longings?"  It was such a simple , yet incredibly profound statement.  If you don't know who you are, how can you know what you want out of life?  If you don't know what you really want, how do you know in which direction to go? 

This is where personal branding comes in.  At its core, personal branding is the process of discovering yourself.  When you are very clear about who you are, what your goals are and where your passions lie, you have a compass for your life. Your personal brand becomes your own due north. 

The great thing about a compass is that it is portable.  Any time you feel like you are getting off track you can take it out and check your directions.  The same is true for personal branding.  If you ever feel  unsure of your next step you can check in with your brand.  Does the decision you are making conflict with your values?  Is it in alignment with your goals?  If you don't know the answers to those questions you could very well get lost.  However, with your trusty compass in your pocket you can always find your way.