“It’s a Beautiful Day”

"It's a Beautiful Day"I recently read an article about the rock singer Bono where he talked about the process of finding his voice. Initially, he tried playing guitar, but he did not excel with it. Then someone suggested he sing, but he didn't think he really had a voice and he struggled to know how to do it. However, he gave it a second try and something clicked. He found his voice.

It's hard to imagine a singer who has performed for millions and millions of people not thinking they have a voice and almost panning the idea of pursuing a career in music. However, I understand it because I've seen this phenomenon first hand. In music school we used to sing for each other every week performing the pieces we'd been working on or doing mock auditions for our studio. There would often be a young student who really struggled to sing well. One would wonder how they were ever going to make it as a singer. Lo and behold, a few months later their voice would start to bloom.

So what happened for Bono and my music school colleagues? Why were they able to find their voices? First of all, they stuck with it. When you are struggling with anything it's tempting to give up. You may feel because you failed at your first attempt it means you are not gifted enough to pursue your dream. However, it often just takes a little time and patience to see the results you want. You may already be doing everything right and you are simply in process.

The second thing they did was continue to explore. Bono first tried guitar and then singing. He had to figure out how to make it work. "I had tried before, but I had no voice at all. I remember the day I found I could sing. I said, 'Oh, that's how you do it." (Success Magazine) A lot of people think you can either sing or you can't, but that's not true. Singing is a process of learning to coordinate many internal processes. You have to explore the mechanisms of your body. What happens when I breathe this way? How does my tone change when I focus my sound towards my nose? As you explore, you get information about what works and what doesn't to get the results you want.

Finally, they got feedback. In Bono's case it was from his bandmates who told him he was a lousy guitarist. So he tried something else. In the case of the music students it was from their teacher and their studio mates. They were able to take that information and apply it to tweak their process, refine their instrument and ultimately, blow away their audience.

Whether you are singer or a business owner the same lessons apply. If you have a passion, a desire to share your gifts and be heard by an excited audience, you can't be let fear of failure stop you. You need to keep at your craft, keep learning and exploring and continue to get feedback from your mentors, peers and clients. There have been many stars who did not start out at the head of the pack, but because of their curiosity, their tenacity and their willingness to learn they ended up finding their voice and their success.  If you are willing to do the work, you can do it too.  When you do, like Bono says "It's a Beautiful Day." 

Great Brands are not “Discovered”

Great Brands are not "Discovered"One of my very earliest memories is sitting on the corner of my block at about the age of 5 singing and making up songs hoping that someone would walk by, hear my voice and “discover” me. Now it’s hard for me to imagine that a 5 year old would have such thoughts, but I most certainly did.  I think we all have a desire to be scene and heard and to feel like people recognize our talents.  However, no one is going to “discover” you by simply walking past you on a street corner while you sing a little ditty.

Since then, what I’ve learned over my many years of experience of singing professionally is that great singers are not “discovered.” They are molded, trained and refined.  Singers spend years discovering and rediscovering their voices.  Then spend endless hours pouring over repertoire trying to figure out what best suits their natural ability and can show their voice in its best possible light.  And then they go out and audition.  They show what they can do and they ask for the job.  If they don’t win the audition they try to get feedback on how they can do better the next time.  And then they go out and try again.  That is how great singers are discovered.

You can see where I’m going with this.  Great brands are not magically found by someone tripping over them.  You don’t just hang a shingle out and have raving fans.  You must discover what your unique talents are, refine them and project them.  You must make people aware you are there and that you want the business.  You must go back and tweak things when you get feedback and then you must try again.  If you do all those things you will get to a place where the audience will sit up and take notice.  And soon YOUR name will be on the marquee.

MIrror, Mirror on the Wall

"Nobody thinks that they dress unattractively, yet when you look around, it is clear that some people do."–Elizabeth Gordon, author of The Chic Entrepreneur

From the clothes you wear, to the brochure you send out, to the website you create, you are projecting an image whether you are aware of it or not.  In order to "wow" your audience, your brand and image need to be stellar.  Here are a few tips to increase your chances of success.

1.  Know yourself.  What is it you are TRYING to say?  What message do you WANT people to get from you?  What is the goal of your marketing?  What kind of person do you want your clothing to reflect?  Knowing the answers to these questions is a good first step.

2.  Educate yourself.  We cannot be experts on everything, but thankfully we don't have to be.  There are thousands of books written every year on just about anything you'd like to learn.  Do you want to know how build a business wardrobe, master social media, be a better entrepreneur?  There's a book for that.  A couple of my current favorites are: Brenda's Wardrobe Companion by Brenda Kinsel and The Chic Entrepreneur by Elizabeth Gordon.

3.  Ask for feedback. Simple, right?  Yes, ask. Ask your friends, your colleagues and your advisers for their feedback.  Is your cousin a hair dresser?  Ask her opinion on your current style.  Is your neighbor a web designer?  Ask for feedback and tips on your website.  People usually love to help, just be sure you return the favor in your area of expertise.

4.  Get the help of a professional.  When you are ready to get serious about moving forward, nothing beats the help of professional guidance.  You can read a book on social media, but how much more helpful would it be to have an in-person tutorial on setting up your Facebook fan page?  You can read a book about fashion, but if you really want to shine wouldn't it be more helpful to get a custom analysis of your figure and coloring? 

Wherever you are in the process of building a strong brand, do not leave your image up to chance.  You are judged from the minute you step out the door or log on to the web.  When you are clear, consistent and conscious of your choices your fans will applaud your efforts.