What are you waiting for?

What are you waiting for?Have you ever wondered why some people are successful while others are not? What is it that separates the haves from the have nots? While some people toil away at unfulfilling jobs, linger in overweight bodies or struggle with difficult relationships, there are a select few who seem to sail through life. They write the great American novel, create wildly successful businesses or strut their rock hard abs. What is their secret? Successful people take action.

You may be saying, "Wait, that's the answer to the great big secret to success? That's too simple." Yes, it is simple, however, simple does not mean easy. Take for, for example, weight loss. Loosing weight is not rocket science. We all know to lose weight you have to eat fewer calories and expend more energy. Of course, there are different methods to this process, but it all pretty much boils down to calories and energy. So if it's so simple why are we not all walking around in super svelte bodies? It's because knowing something and DOING something are completely different. You must take ACTION to see results. You must get your ass to the gym!

If we know what to do, why are we not all racing out of our houses to get to aerobics class? Because it's hard and makes us uncomfortable. In order to be successful you are going to have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. You will have to do things you don't feel like doing. Many people think they will do something when they get properly motivated. They hire coaches or read inspirational books. And while those things are all great helps, YOU are still the one that has to do the work. But here's the good news. Once you START to take action, you DO start to feel like doing the work. You DO start to feel motivated.

Most people think the emotion will come and then they will take action. That's backwards thinking. When you start taking action you start to create a cascade of positive emotions that keep you motivated. You start to see progress and glimpses of your success which gives you even more energy to take more action. It's an upward spiral. 

Here are three tips to get you and keep you on PAR with success:

1. PREPARE-What do you need to do to set yourself up for success? Are there supplies you need? Do you need to put things on your calendar? Are there people you need to contact? When you know WHAT you need to do, it will be easier to get started.

2. ACT-What one thing can you do each day to move you closer to your goal? DO IT. Make a phone call, write your outline, buy some damn carrots! Do SOMETHING. Even doing one small thing will help you feel motivated to take the next step. All action is physical. Even if you think for a living, you still need to physically write down your thoughts. So get out of your brain and into your body.

3. REBOUND-If you try an action and it fails, GET UP AND TRY AGAIN. Imagine you were running an important race on a track with hundreds of spectators. Now imagine you tripped on your shoelace and fell flat on your face in front of all those people. What would you do? Would you just lay there? No, you would get up and finish the race and hopefully, you would have learned to tuck in your laces for the next race. The only way you really fail is if you stay down and let the world trample on you.

Stop waiting to feel ready to act. ACT like you are ready succeed and soon you will be the one winning the race.

Feel Good Branding

Feel Good BrandingIf you've been reading this blog, then you are probably somewhat familiar with branding and some of its benefits. Good branding can create a loyal, excited following. It can increase your sales. It can differentiate you from your competition and establish you as an expert in your field. Wow, those are all fantastic benefits of branding!  However, I think the very best benefit of personal branding is not often talked about. It is the FEELING YOU GET from living and working from and with those parts of you which feel most authentic and exciting TO YOU.

If you are in business, you are in business to make money. If you were not doing business to make money, you would be dabbling in a hobby. So of course, when you think about branding you will focus on the financial benefits. You are not going to waste your time and marketing dollars on frivolous, touchy-feel-good gimmicks. However, what could be more valuable than your own happiness. I know it sounds pretty grandiose to talk about personal branding that way, but that's the way it is. When you are really in touch with what makes you tick, what you are good at, how you best express yourself in the world and when you can move through your life freely and enthusiastically working from those premises, you feel a deep satisfaction and joy. The kicker is feeling good and excited about how you work and express yourself can also be financially rewarding.  It's a win-win situation.

When you are joyful in your work other people respond to that energy. Have you ever met someone who seems to radiate good vibes? How does it make you feel to be around that person or interact with them? Great, right? There is a gas station near my gym that I love going to. The attendant there has such great energy. Rain, snow or shine he has a smile on his face, asks how I'm doing and gives great service. Do you think I drive out of my way to get my gas there?  You bet I do. It makes me FEEL good to buy my gas there. His energy is infectious.

When are clear about your personal brand and become comfortable projecting that brand into the marketplace, YOU become that infectious person others are drawn to.  However, the greatest gift is the way you feel about yourself and that, my friends, is priceless.

Go Deep Young Brand, Go Deep

"Every great man has become great, every successful man has succeeded, in proportion as he has confined his powers to one particular channel." –Orison Swett Marden

Go Deep Young Brand, Go DeepDoes that quote sound limiting to you? It may. We often bristle at the idea of being boxed in, of being labeled one way or the other. We do not want to be pigeon holed. It seems contrary to the American ideal of more is better. We are always striving to break down barriers, go beyond the horizon, grow and expand.  And while all these endeavors are worthy, they don't necessarily translate effectively to branding.

Successful branding is about narrowing and focusing. People with great personal brands don't try to be all things to all people. Instead they spend time discovering and honing those skills and attributes which resonate most deeply with who they are and where their strengths lie. They go deeper, not wider with their efforts. The result is they become more easily recognized and well-known by their target audience.

This is not to say you can never expand or grow your brand, but in order to do so effectively you first have to establish yourself and what you stand for.  Your audience has to become familiar with you.  You have to earn their trust and loyalty by consistently delivering what you do well. However, you must not stray too far or for too long from your core message, service or ability. I recently saw Bobby Flay, the great chef and grill master on an episode on the HBO series Entourage.  He plays a character based on himself which was great.  However, if he suddenly decided to start doing Shakespeare plays I don't know how successful or happy he would be.

Going deep isn't all about the audience though, it's also about you, the individual. When you go deep you gain mastery which increases your self-esteem and pleasure from what you do. The only caveate is you must know what your channel is.

Here are some clues to help you recognize yours.

1. When you do a certain activity you lose track of time. For example, you go outside to work in your garden and you when you think ten minutes have passed it has actually been an hour.

2. You notice certain things come easily to you where others struggle. You may be out to dinner with friends and when it's time to figure out the tip you whip up the number in a flash while everyone else is pulling out their phone calculators.

3. There is something to which you are continuously drawn. For example, you can't pass up going through an open house even though you are not in the market to buy or sell anything. You may be yearning to be a decorator or a broker.

4. You often find yourself being asked for advice on a certain subject.  Perhaps you have a great sense of style and your friends are always asking you to help them put cute outfits together.

5. Try to remember what you loved doing as a child. Sometimes as adults we forget about or abandon early interests or pursuits due to outside pressures or responsibilities, but those earlier pursuits can actually point to your core abilities.

When you do figure out what makes you tick and stick with it, you create a laser-focused path to success. So put down that clicker and stop channel surfing. When you do, you will become the star of your own show.

Do you give up too easily?

Do you give up too easily?This is the last week our au pair will be with us before she goes back to her country for school. We decided to have a special waffle breakfast to say good-bye and thank you to her. As usual, my youngest daughter was the first one up the day of the big breakfast and she was super excited. She wanted us to make waffles NOW. Now happened to be 5:45 a.m. and everyone else was still asleep. Of course, my explanation that we had to wait until everyone was awake went over like a lead balloon. It also had no effect on her insistent asking if we could start the waffle-making process NOW. Here's how the conversation went:

Her: "Now, Mommy, is it time now?"

Me:  "No, Honey, not yet, not everyone is awake yet. We'll have to wait a bit more."

2 Minutes later…

Her:  "Now, Mommy? Now?"

Me:  "Sorry, no Honey, not yet.  We have to wait."

Her:  "One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi.  Ok, now Mommy."

And so it went on every two minutes until I just gave in and started making the waffles with her alone while everyone else slept. I figured I could just make some more later and save my sanity in the meantime.

My point is that persistence pays off. If you ask once and are given a "no" or a "not now" or "maybe later" and you just walk away, you may be giving up too quickly. I'm not suggesting you pester someone until they fantasize about running away to Hawaii just to get away from you (wait, that was my fantasy), but I am suggesting you continue to ask and get feedback. You may be assuming the other person is out and out rejecting you or your offer, but there could by many reasons for a response other than yes. For example, they could be busy, or distracted, or even feeling lazy about making a decision. It can take many exposures to you or your service before a new client is comfortable taking the leap.  You never know when the switch will be turned on, so do not give up too easily.

You may also need to learn not to personalize rejections. As women, this is something to which we are particularly sensitive. Children do not assume you don't like them if you say no the 10th time they ask for a new toy. They are merely focused on getting the toy. Of course, you need to be polite and diplomatic in your approach, but do not assume someone doesn't like you just because they say no.

So ask, ask again, get feedback, tweak if necessary, and ask again. Who knows, maybe someone might even make you some nice warm waffles.

Brand Your Edge

Brand Your EdgeFor the past several months I have noticed that I have been feeling a little bit blue. I wasn't sure why I was feeling this way. My family is great, I feel healthy, I love my work. So what was the problem?  I realized that I was feeling down because I was feeling frumpy. 

I don't think most people who know me would consider me frumpy, however, what I was seeing in the mirror did not excite me. I bought these clothes, I even liked these clothes. So what the heck was happening?  What I finally realized was I had lost my edginess which is a really big part of who I am. It's the part of me that gives me zing and energy. It makes me feel alive and slightly dangerous.  So why on earth would I give that up? 

It wasn't intentional, it was more by default. In an attempt to appear polished and pulled-together, I had checked my edginess at the door. I was guilty of a big sin which was giving in to a "should" way of thinking. I had an idea of how a professional person should dress and act. The only problem, which it turned out was a big one, was I ended up feeling only partly present dressing and acting this way. An important part of me and my brand was missing.  And it made me cranky!

Of course, I still believe in being professional, but that doesn't mean being stiff and uninteresting. The more you can infuse your personal brand into your professional life, the more appealing you will become and the happier you will be.  If you leave out a piece of your brand because you think you "should," you will be left with a vanilla version of yourself and your brand will suffer. On the other hand, if you can embrace those parts of yourself that feel most exciting, your brand will be truly unique, even if it feels a bit scary at first. Now if you will excuse me, I need to slip into something black and slightly dangerous.

Does your brand need a hug?

Does your brand need a hug?I seem to be walking down memory lane more than usual lately. It may be because summer is a time when we travel more to reconnect with our friends and families that live further away.   For whatever reason though, I recently found myself thinking about my first piano solo.

I was 6 years old and I was going to play a 15 second long piece for my church, about 50 people at the time.  My piano teacher was the minister's wife and she was sitting in the front pew smiling as I sat down to play.  When I started to play everything was going great until…I hit a wrong note.  So I started again.  I got to the same place again and made the SAME mistake.  This happened three times before my teacher couldn't stand it anymore.  She jumped up from her seat, came up and sat next to me on the piano bench, put her arm around me and whispered into my ear that I could do it.  I then went on to play the whole piece perfectly start to finish.  That's all it took.

We all face those moments when our skill and preparation is tested whether it's in launching a new business or giving a new presentation for the first time.  We've practiced, we know the material, but when the pressure is on, we fumble, lose our place or freeze-up completely.  How much easier it is to move through those experiences knowing you have someone with you, someone who wants to see you succeed and takes a vested interest in your progress.

As a musician I have had many great teachers and I have taught many of my own students.  As a business owner I have also taught and been taught by great mentors.  I know first hand the difference it makes having someone there in your corner. If you are feeling a little stuck and are unsure what steps to take next in your business it may be time to find a good teacher.  Sometimes having a helping hand makes all the difference between a botched solo and a killer performance.

It is my passion to help entrepreneurs find and project their unique voice in the market place. To schedule a FREE strategy session with Heather to discuss how to move your brand and your business forward email at heather@clearvoicebranding.com or call at (781)-369-5063.

Stop apologizing for your brand!

Stop apologizing for your brand!Doing branding work I have met some really incredible women.  I love getting to know my clients and hearing about their dreams and goals.  I am always impressed and delighted to hear about their past accomplishments, their unique experiences, and their visions for their businesses and their communities.  These are strong, smart, energized women.  However, I've also heard some of these same amazing women say things like "I know I should be charging more, but… I'm just really picky…I don't want to seem braggy…I know my standards are too high…"  We're all in trouble if having high standards is something you should apologize about!

Why is it that even savvy, educated women still struggle with stepping into their own power?  I think one reason is from the time we are little we are encouraged to be nice, to share, to be helpful and not to raise our voices.  One of my least favorite phrases taught in preschool is "You get what you get and you don't get upset."   What if what you are given is garbage?  In preschool that is not usually the case, but sometimes in life it is, especially if you are shy about making your preferences known.  

Another big reason women apologize for what they want is they want to be liked.  Of course, we all want to be liked, but when our desire to be liked causes us to act in ways that erode our authenticity, we damage our brands. It can be very scary to think people won't like us, however, here's a news flash. Not everyone likes you anyway!  So why not ask for what you really want so at least someone is happy.

Here are some things to think about the next time you catch yourself saying "I know I should but…" or "I'm too…"

1.  You are a role model.  Instead of worrying someone else will think you are too full of yourself the next time your ask for what you are worth, remember you are showing them how to honor themselves the next time they ask for something they need.  This is ESPECIALLY important if you have kids. 

2.  You are always telling others how you want to be treated by the messages you send out.  If your message is "I'm worried my standards are too high"  people will treat you as if your standards are too high.  If, on the other hand, you are secure with your standards, you will start to attract people into your life who also have high standards.  Again, if you have kids, don't you want them to have high standards when they are say, oh I don't know, choosing friends, boyfriends/girlfriends, what food they put into their bodies!

3.  If you do not pick the best you can, it is a reflection of your personal judgement to others.  People judge each other constantly.  It is not mean, it is human nature.  It is a way for people to determine who you are and what you are all about.  If you are not picky, you are saying to the world that either you do not care or don't feel you deserve the best.  Just to be clear, I'm not advising you go out and spend a lot of money.  I am suggesting though, that you choose the best options available to you.  It doesn't cost you any more money to hire a great employee than it does to hire a less desirable one just because "they'll do."

You are not in preschool anymore.  You do not have to accept what people give you if it does not meet your needs or desires.  However, in order for people to know what you want, you need to have a clear, strong voice.  By the way, I know this was a long post, but do you think I am going to apologize for it? No way.

“Free your mind, and the rest will follow…”

"Free your mind, and the rest will follow..."I LOVE summer.  I do not like summer, I LOVE it.  Despite the inch-thick layer of gooey sunscreen I have to wear, despite the bozo-esque hair I sport after a dip in the pool, I still think summer rocks.  It’s the one time of the year when all my kids are free at the same time.  We don’t have to be at gymnastics, girl scouts or soccer.  We are free to rome and explore and do as we please.

One of my favorite things to do on these steamy days is take the kids on mini-adventures.  We explore different parts of the city, a new beach or a new restaurant.  Last weekend we went into the North End of Boston and had pizza, gelato and a carousel ride.  I find after these little outings my mind feels freer and I have many more creative ideas.  I also often find myself adapting or incorporating something from these experiences into my routine when I return home.  This time it happened to be a wonderful watermelon and basil salad, yum.

Summer is a great time to re-energize your brand too.  Things are not as rigid and structured as the rest of the year.  It’s easier to try something new.  I’m not talking about radically changing who you are or what you stand for, but rather opening up to new possibilities that feel exciting and authentic.  New exposures and experiences can give our brands new life and greater depth.

So next time you find yourself meandering through an exotic spice shop or people watching on a park bench, don’t chastise yourself for not being behind your desk.  Just think of it as a working vacation.  See you on the beach!

Great Brands are not “Discovered”

Great Brands are not "Discovered"One of my very earliest memories is sitting on the corner of my block at about the age of 5 singing and making up songs hoping that someone would walk by, hear my voice and “discover” me. Now it’s hard for me to imagine that a 5 year old would have such thoughts, but I most certainly did.  I think we all have a desire to be scene and heard and to feel like people recognize our talents.  However, no one is going to “discover” you by simply walking past you on a street corner while you sing a little ditty.

Since then, what I’ve learned over my many years of experience of singing professionally is that great singers are not “discovered.” They are molded, trained and refined.  Singers spend years discovering and rediscovering their voices.  Then spend endless hours pouring over repertoire trying to figure out what best suits their natural ability and can show their voice in its best possible light.  And then they go out and audition.  They show what they can do and they ask for the job.  If they don’t win the audition they try to get feedback on how they can do better the next time.  And then they go out and try again.  That is how great singers are discovered.

You can see where I’m going with this.  Great brands are not magically found by someone tripping over them.  You don’t just hang a shingle out and have raving fans.  You must discover what your unique talents are, refine them and project them.  You must make people aware you are there and that you want the business.  You must go back and tweak things when you get feedback and then you must try again.  If you do all those things you will get to a place where the audience will sit up and take notice.  And soon YOUR name will be on the marquee.

Persistent Branding Wins

Persistent Branding WinsWe live in a world where almost anything you want is one click away.  You want to know the weather in Singapore, no problem. You want to see what your favorite celebrity did 5 minutes ago, check Twitter.  You want to keep mosquitoes away, there's even an app for repelling bugs at your fingertips!  However, if you want a strong brand, you are going to have to patient.

The cornerstones of branding are clarity, consistency and constancy.  However, another vital component is persistence.  Persistence is a little bit differnt than consistency or constancy.  Persistence has a grittier quality.  It implies tenacity, a stick-to-itiveness in the face of a adversity.  Strong brands are built with persistent energy and attention, they are not like rockets that loose their intense power after their initial launch.

All of us face times in building our businesses, our brands, or our lists when it feels like we are Sisyphus.  We put out or marketing messages, we Tweet, we blog, we speak and still it feels like nothing is happening.  However, things are happening.  It takes time and multiple exposures for your audience to get familiar with your brand.  Think of the "overnight" success of stars like Leonardo DiCaprio who  had to work his way through bit parts on shows from Romper Room to Growing Pains.  He then had to beat out 400 other actors to win the role of Tobias This Boy's Life before going on to his blockbuster, Titanic.  This took persistence. Now he is a KNOWN, reliable brand within his industry and to his public audience.

So be clear, be consistent and be constant, but also be persist, persist, persist.  Each small success along the way will create ripple effects. You WILL grow your brand and your business.  Remember the tortoise wins the race!

Are you a Good Kisser?

Are you a Good Kisser?Have you ever felt like you are running yourself ragged?  I learned a very important lesson this year.  I was spread too thin! I had taken on so many projects and commitments that I never felt relaxed or truly productive.  I was jumping from one thing to the next and  when I wasn't actually working on something, my mind was taking constant inventory of all the upcoming tasks I needed to do.  What I came to realize was all this busyness was interfering with my most important priorities.  The question became, what to do about it?

I was reminded of the KISS principle I learned from my father-in-law.  For those of you who don't already know, KISS in this case stands for Keep It Simple Stupid.  Life can getting pretty complex when you are running a business and have any kind of life, especially if that life includes those gorgeous, demanding little creatures we call children.  We have about a million tasks and roles to manage from keeping up with business emails to coaching soccer to buying the one hundred or so end-of-year teacher gifts.  Then, of course, there is working out, planning meals, your book club, your kid's book club, designing a new logo, reading that new Facebook marketing book…  The list could be endless.  However, if you do not get control you will probably continue to feel tired, distracted and discontent.  Here are a few tips to help you be a better kisser:

1.  Get very clear about your priorities and I don't mean your top 10 priorities, I mean like your top 3-5.  Anything that is not directly associated with your top five should be cut out or severly diminished.

2.  End the love affair with multitasking.  There have been several studies out recently that prove multitasking is actually less efficient than single focused effort.  This is especially hard for women.

3.  Get comfortable saying "no."  Again, sorry fellas, women are very inclined to want to be helpful or at least be seen as being helpful.  It can be very difficult at first to turn down a request for help, but the more you do, the easier it gets. 

4.  Take the word "should" out of your decision making process when choosing what stays and what goes in your life.  You think you "should" go to ladies night out so you won't seem unfriendly.  If your main priority is your health and you need to get up at 5am to go to the gym in the morning, going to ladies night is not the best choice.

5. Learn to delegate what you do not need to do.  There are lots of things we do that do not actually need our hands on attention.  Make a list of what you can give to someone else to do.  For example, do you really need to be the one who attends every meeting or can someone else go and fill you in later.  Do you always have to be the one to pack the school lunches, or can you take turns with your spouse?

One last thing, pay attention to the way you feel.  How does it make you feel to be involved with what you are doing?  Do you feel happy about your job, your volunteer work, you family responsibilities, or do you have a feeling of reluctance, dread, or low energy?  Personally, I have followed all of these tips in the past several months and things have changed a lot for me.  I can honestly say I am now a better kisser!

Healthy Body, Healthy Brand

Healthy Body, Healthy BrandThe other day I sat down to do some work.  I had actually scheduled this time a week earlier and reserved a private room at the library so I wouldn't be disturbed.  I had assessed my priorities days before and already knew exactly on what I was going to work.  I was really excited and proud to have planned, prepared and followed through with my goal.  However, about twenty minutes after I started to work, I completely lost steam.  I lost my energy and concentration and the ideas and words just stopped flowing.  I was so frustrated I finally packed it in and left.

The problem was I was TIRED and HUNGRY. Time is such a precious resource when you are an entrepreneur with a family  and to have wasted this opportunity was infuriating.   We had had a very busy weekend with lots of commitments and in the mix of things, I had failed to take care of my number one business asset, my body.  Without the proper sleep and nutrition I could not do my job.  

Fortunately for me, this was an isolated incident.  I know how important a healthy body is so I make it a priority to take care of myself.  As an entrepreneur YOU are the business, YOU are your brand.  If you are not in tip top condition your business suffers.  You do not have the energy to go that extra mile, your creativity suffers, your looks suffer and your mood plummets.  Not exactly a formula for success. 

Between the myriad tasks of running a business and the unending demands of family life it can be easy to put your needs last.  This is a huge mistake.  If your well is empty you have nothing to give.  You must make your health your number one priority.  However, it is not enough to just say your health is your priority, you must also take ACTION.  Here a few tips:

1.  PLAN and SCHEDULE your workouts for the weekon the weekend.  Be as specific as possible.  What time will you workout?  How long will  you workout?  What exercises will you do?  Cardio, how long?  Weights, how many reps?  The more specific you can be in planning, the easier it will be to follow-through.

2. PLAN what you will eat.  If you know what you are going to eat ahead of time it takes the stress out of making healthy choices, plus it forces you to actually buy the things you want so they are there when you are hungry.

3.  PLAN to get enough rest and go to bed around the same time each night.  Set your watch or phone alarm or set a reminder on your computer if you work at night to a time 1/2 hour before your bedtime to promt you to start winding down.

4.  PLAN and SCHEDULE some down time for your brain every day.  As entrepreneurs we are constantly thinking of the next thing that needs to get done or the trying to come up with the next great idea.  If you do not give your brain a chance to relax and recharge you will actually be less productive and creative.  Read a non-business book, meditate, people watch, even stare off into space. Just stop thinking.

I'm sure you notice a pattern here.  Good health does not happen as an after thought.  You must plan and prepare for it, commit to it and take action. If that seems hard for you, think of it as a business investment because it will truly pay off. 

Happy Father's Day to all you great dads!


Brand my Style

If you've ever struggled with what to wear, you are not alone.  Many people go into their closets, see their inventory of choices and just don't know what to put on.  They are unsure.  It's not always because they are unskilled at putting ensembles together, it often has more to do with how they are feeling.  "What do I want to wear today?"  "I don't feel like getting dressed up."  "It's not worth the effort." "I want to feel comfortable."  "I want something to make me feel happy?"  "Does this make me look pretty?"

While using your daily emotional barometer as a tool for choosing how to dress isn't necessarily as bad thing, I would suggest it is not the most effective way of creating a powerful impact with your appearance.  A better way to approach the decision of what to wear on a daily basis is to think of your brand and your projected goals.  Ask yourself "How do I want to be seen?" "What impression do I want to make on my customers?"  "What do I stand for?"  "What are my career goals?"  "What kind of people do I want to attract into my life?"  

When you start to think about these bigger questions it shifts how you make your daily decisions.  If you, for example, say your brand is sophisticated and modern and you want people to see you as a leader and a forward thinker, you will be less inclined to reach for faded jeans the next time you get dressed to meet a colleague for coffee.  Or perhaps your goal is to become known as the go-to person for financial planning in your community.  Next time you reach for something in your closet, ask yourself "Would you trust your finances to this person?"  If you are dishevelled or dressed too casually you may be repelling the very people you are trying to attract.

It may feel like what I'm suggesting is over thinking, however, it actual simplifies the process of choosing what to wear.  Instead of following the roller coaster of emotions we all go through, you can ask yourself one simple question.  "Does this reflect my brand and serve my goals?"   The trick, of course, is knowing what your brand is and where you want to go.  When you do, everything else becomes more simple, including getting dressed every morning.

You don’t get paid to sing in the shower.

We all love to sing in the shower.  One reason is because the acoustics are awesome. Your voice pings off the tiles and the sound of the rushing water usually makes just enough noise to block out any tiny imperfections in an otherwise Met-worthy tone.   More than likely though, the real reason most people love it so much is because it’s one of the few places they can let it rip with complete abandon.  There is no audience to make us feel self-conscious or judge us.  However, there is also no one there to pay us for our killer vocals or spread the word about spectacular performance.

If you are not effectively getting your message out about your business you are doing the equivalent of singing in the shower.  You may feel all the courage in the world writing your business plan, dreaming up your big goals, or designing a your beautiful new website, but unless you get out in front of people and show them what you can do, you are an audience of one.   It can feel scary to step out and say “Here I am. This is what I do and I do it well, so well in fact, that you should pay me for my talents.”  However, the alternative to taking this risk is remaining isolated in a stagnant business.  Here are a few tips to get over your stage fright.

1.  Practice.  If you are nervous about launching your business or introducing a new product or service, find a practice audience.  Find a friend of friendly client who will be encouraging, but also give you feedback on your performance so you can improve any weaknesses.  Nothing builds confidence like experience.

2.  Remember your big WHY.  How do young marines find the courage to put their lives on the line in battle?  They can do it because they are committed to their mission and believe in the value of their contribution.  When you know why you are in business and believe in your unique value of promise you are more able to move forward despite any temporary discomfort.

3.  Be a copycat.  When we want to know how to wear the latest styles most of us pick up a magazine to see how the celebrities are doing it.  We learn by watching and copying.  If you feel nervous about putting yourself out there, find a few examples of people who you think do it well and emulate them.  What mannerisms do they have, how do they dress, how do they speak?  Even as infants we learn to eat, walk and talk by watching our parents.  Choose a virtual mentor and copy them.

4. Fake it til you make it.  Have you ever heard of method acting?  The basic idea is that you do an action and the emotion follows.  For example, if you need to cry for a scene, you make a sad face and you begin to feel sad.  This may be a gross generalization, but the idea is the same for creating more chutzpah for yourself.  Act “as if” you feel confident. Stand taller, smile more, act “as if” you are the most expert in your field.  People will respond to in turn which will boost your confidence.  It is a positive cycle which you can leverage.

You may not be ready for the Met just yet, but if you keep practicing, keep your goals in front of you, and act as if you deserve to be on the stage, you will find your audience and they will applaud you for your efforts.

Find your light.

Find your lightWhen I was in high school I auditioned for the school production of "Fiddler on the Roof".  I remember the audition process very clearly as each girl sang and danced hoping to get the part of one of the daughters.  After our initial solo, the director would put us together in different group combinations to see how our voices sounded together, how we looked and moved together.  I remember watching some of the other groups audition and I noticed there were times when one or another of the girls would sort of disappear on stage because they moved out of the range of the lighting.  When it was my turn I paid very close attention to that light and made sure I never moved out of it.

Since then, I have done many, many shows and I know the importance of finding your light.  At high level professional companies they have lighting rehearsals where all you do is walk around the stage while they sets the lights.  It's so important. I'm sure we've all seen shows where someone moves out of their spot light.  They just disappear.

You do not want to disappear in the market place.  You need to be visible.  There a many platforms these days to express your brand and let the world know about your brilliant services or your superior product.  However, no one will know about it if you don't step forward.  If you just sit back and wait for your clients and customers to find you, you will be disappointed.  You may have the best widget in the world, but unless you promote it you will fade into the background.  You need to be bold, find your light and step into it.  You want to be the one your audience notices, not someone else. 

By the way, I won the part of Hodel that year. It wasn't the biggest moment in my singing career, but it was a very big lesson to learn that has paid off many times in many ways.  It can work for you too.

Are you marrying material?

We often talk about the importance of first impressions. They are, of course, extremely important. Great thought and effort is put into how we present ourselves for the first time in any situation.  Think about all those "firsts", a first date, a first job interview, meeting your child's teacher for the first time.  We put a little extra effort preparing for the first time we are going to meet someone we want to impress.  However, what about the second, third or even tenth time we have an encounter?  Chances are you relax into something less formal which is natural.  However, this can be a slippery slope when it comes to your brand.

Great branding is based in consistency.  You certainly do want to make a spectacular first impression. In business a great first impression can open the door for you.  What keeps that door open, however, is what happens next.

Anyone can look great and be charming once in a while, but it's how you behave and present yourself over the long haul that really matters.  You may date someone who is cute and fun to be with, but you probably would not marry that person unless they showed over time they were also kind, committed, caring, and honest etc.  You don't want to "date" your clients.  You want to build long term relationships with them.  They need to trust you.  They need to see you value the relationship.  You do this by continuing to put your best effort forward. 

Can your clients count on you?  Do you consistently respond in a timely matter to emails and phone calls,  or do your clients have to pester you for answers?  Do you continue to dress sharply when you meet with your clients to show you respect them, or you have let your guard down with your appearance?  Do you find extra ways of showing your clients you value their business or do you figure they just "know" you appreciate them?

Remember your brand is held in the mind of your clients over time.  If you want them to see you as marrying material you must continue to show them you care.

Your Brand GPS

We all make mistakes.  Sometimes we don't realize we are making the mistake until after it's done, but a lot of times there are hints along the way that something isn't quite right.  Those hints come to us in the form of feelings.  Some people call those feelings their "little voice."  I like to think of the little voice as our Brand GPS.  It keeps us on course and gets us to our destination in the quickest, easiest way possible.  If you are clear about your brand, you can use your inner voice to guide you to make decisions that best serve your goals.

However, there are times we all go "off brand" for whatever reason.  We make a decision that does not align with our brand, with the best of who we are or how we want to be percieved by others.  We get cocky and think we know better than the GPS so we make a wrong turn and go off course.  I recently did an audition where I sang as aria that was low and slow and the best part of my voice is my high notes!  As with any mistake the important thing is to get back on course as quickly as possible, apologize if necessary and learn from what happened. 

If you feel yourself going off course, check in with your inner guidance system, your Brand GPS.  What was your original destination?  Where did you go wrong?  Why did you choose to ignore the road signs?  How can you get back on track?  Where is the best place to turn around?  The clearer you get about the answers, the quicker you can get back on the road and avoid those nasty detours in the future

MIrror, Mirror on the Wall

"Nobody thinks that they dress unattractively, yet when you look around, it is clear that some people do."–Elizabeth Gordon, author of The Chic Entrepreneur

From the clothes you wear, to the brochure you send out, to the website you create, you are projecting an image whether you are aware of it or not.  In order to "wow" your audience, your brand and image need to be stellar.  Here are a few tips to increase your chances of success.

1.  Know yourself.  What is it you are TRYING to say?  What message do you WANT people to get from you?  What is the goal of your marketing?  What kind of person do you want your clothing to reflect?  Knowing the answers to these questions is a good first step.

2.  Educate yourself.  We cannot be experts on everything, but thankfully we don't have to be.  There are thousands of books written every year on just about anything you'd like to learn.  Do you want to know how build a business wardrobe, master social media, be a better entrepreneur?  There's a book for that.  A couple of my current favorites are: Brenda's Wardrobe Companion by Brenda Kinsel and The Chic Entrepreneur by Elizabeth Gordon.

3.  Ask for feedback. Simple, right?  Yes, ask. Ask your friends, your colleagues and your advisers for their feedback.  Is your cousin a hair dresser?  Ask her opinion on your current style.  Is your neighbor a web designer?  Ask for feedback and tips on your website.  People usually love to help, just be sure you return the favor in your area of expertise.

4.  Get the help of a professional.  When you are ready to get serious about moving forward, nothing beats the help of professional guidance.  You can read a book on social media, but how much more helpful would it be to have an in-person tutorial on setting up your Facebook fan page?  You can read a book about fashion, but if you really want to shine wouldn't it be more helpful to get a custom analysis of your figure and coloring? 

Wherever you are in the process of building a strong brand, do not leave your image up to chance.  You are judged from the minute you step out the door or log on to the web.  When you are clear, consistent and conscious of your choices your fans will applaud your efforts.

A Royal Brand

In the past weeks you could not turn on the television, computer or radio without hearing about the upcoming wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.  Some people were glued to every detail while others were turned-off by the whole deluge of information.  Whichever side you came down on, you have to admit it was an incredibly successful event.  It produced all the grandeur and spectical one would expect from a royal wedding, yet somehow it also felt real and personal.  That my friends is a great example of successful branding!

Ok, so it can be kind of crude to liken a wedding, one of the most significant days in a person's life, to personal branding.  You'll have to excuse me for the comparison (I guess it's the performer in me), but after all, when you get down to it, a wedding is a performance and performances are all about expression.  Of course, the main expression is the love and devotion the bride and groom have for each other, but many other things are expressed as well.  The dress the bride chooses, the flowers, the music, even the entree choices are all a reflection of the tastes and preferences of the happy couple and their families. 

Wedding guests take notice of these details and make comments about how beautiful the bride was or how tasty the food was.  However, when a couple manages to really personalize their ceremony with unique and thoughtful details, guests leave with a more memorable experience.  They get a deeper sense of who the couple is, what they care about and also how the couple feels about them.  Isn't that what we want our brands to do for us, to differentiate us in the mind of our audience?  We want them to leave our presence feeling a deeper connection to us, feeling like we've paid attention to the details and that we are authentic in the expression of the things that matter most in our lives.

So here's lifting a glass to Will & Kate. And here's to you creating your own spectacular, personal performance.

Will your brand be memorable?

This week I am an vacation with my family in beautiful Sanibel, Florida.  We are renting a lovely house near the beach.  Upon arrival I met the current owner of the property who explained to me the house's original owner died six months after the house was completed and therefore some of the personal pictures are still on the walls.  As we settled in I had a chance to look around and noticed these pictures.  Much to my surprise they are snapshots of the former owner with Bill & Hillary Clinton, the Pope, with Jimmy Carter and several other extremely important figures.  Out of curiousity I also googled her and found out that she had been one of the most influencial activists and lobbyist in the political world in the 70's and 80's, a feat not easily accomplished, especially by a woman at that time.

Staying in this house, looking at those pictures has made me think about my own legacy.  What mark am I making on the world, on my community, and most importantly, on my family?  What do I want to accomplish in my life time?  Fortunately, I am already pretty clear about my goals and my purpose because of my own personal branding.  My greatest value is, of course, my family.  I do make them a priority. When and if I notice that I am getting too involved with other projects or distractions, I refocus my attention back to them.  Staying close to this value keeps me feeling grateful, grounded and loved.

One of the other legacies I would like to leave behind is a path for other women to follow showing them how to claim their own powerful voices, to revel in them and to monetize them.  I would like to show them how deeply satisfying it is to align your passions and values with your work.  When you do, you create a very fuzzy line between work and play.  It is such a joyful experience.  If I can bring that to more people I will feel like I have given a unique and powerful gift in my lifetime.

Now it's your turn.   What do you want to acomplish in your lifetime?   

Consistency is Key to Successful Branding

One complaint I often hear from my international friends is how homogenized the shopping experience can be in the United States.  You can go from Boston to Miami and find the exact same stores and the exact same merchandise in those stores.  True there are times when I long for a unique shopping experience, but I also find it comforting to know when I travel I can usually find whatever I need at a local Target store.  Or if I get hungry, I know I can get the egg-white flat bread sandwich at any Dunkin' Donuts.  You know what to expect when you think of those stores.  It is consistent and reliable.

One of the wonderful benefits of watching a high-level artist is having the ability to get lost in the performance because you know they are going to deliver something great.  You don't worry about whether or not they will hit the notes.  These performers have earned our trust and as a result we continue to be fans and even evangelists on their behalf.  We have confidence in them because they are consistently spectacular.

Of course, the same can be true for your personal brand, but first YOU must be consistent.  Are you consistent in the way you express your brand? Are you consistent in the way you interact with your colleagues?  Do you consistently say thank you?  Are you consistent in your appearance or your online identity?   When you are not consistent, your audience loses faith and loses interest. However, when you consistently express your brand with excellence, you create raving fans and consistent followers. 

The Personal Branding Compass

I recently heard an interview with Elizabeth Lesser, a leader in the field of emotional intelligence, where she said, "If you don't know who you are, how can you follow your longings?"  It was such a simple , yet incredibly profound statement.  If you don't know who you are, how can you know what you want out of life?  If you don't know what you really want, how do you know in which direction to go? 

This is where personal branding comes in.  At its core, personal branding is the process of discovering yourself.  When you are very clear about who you are, what your goals are and where your passions lie, you have a compass for your life. Your personal brand becomes your own due north. 

The great thing about a compass is that it is portable.  Any time you feel like you are getting off track you can take it out and check your directions.  The same is true for personal branding.  If you ever feel  unsure of your next step you can check in with your brand.  Does the decision you are making conflict with your values?  Is it in alignment with your goals?  If you don't know the answers to those questions you could very well get lost.  However, with your trusty compass in your pocket you can always find your way.



The scenic road of personal branding

So many people are struggling to get "there," wherever that may be.  They want to be wealthier, happier, have better relationships, a better job and the list goes on.  When personal branding is done in a thoughtful, thorough way, "there" is "here."  It's not that you don't have goals, you certainly do, but the whole journey is aligned with your deepest values and desires, so each phase along has its own kind of satisfaction. 

It's like raising kids.  When they are babies you think it's the cutest phase and you'll be so sad when it ends, but then the next phase comes and the kids learn to talk and walk and have little personalities and you think, "This is the most fun."  Then they get older and can do all kinds of activities which you watch or participate in and you think it's great all over again.  Of course, there are times and phases when you think it's not so fun, like when your 4 year old daughter writes in red lipstick all over your white office carpet, but the big journey is deeply rewarding.   

Many years ago my husband and I went to Italy to hike the Cinque Terre, a trail connecting a set of 5 ancient coastal villages overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.  The hike is about 4 hours long and extremely arduous in spots, going up steep cliffs on tiny stairs.  There were many times during the hike when we were huffing and puffing so hard we could not talk to each other.  However, it was one of the most rewarding experiences I've ever had.  At the top of each peek was a sweeping view of the sea on one side and pink striped beach umbrellas of the village beaches below.  It wasn't just the view, however, that made the hike so memorable, it was the actual climb. Despite bumps and spills, skinned knees and bruised elbows, each new step, each new challenge felt deeply satisfying.  It didn't hurt to be in Italy on the sea with the one I love, knowing a huge bowl of pasta was on the menu for dinner. 

When you are on the path of your own true heart's desire, the journey is equally pleasurable even if stretches along the way are challenging.  The mundane tasks take on new feeling, if you know it is serving your greater purpose or goal.  This is the essence of personal branding.  You know who you are, what your goals are, where you are going and why you are going there. The journey along with all the ups and downs IS the reward. A huge bowl of pasta for dinner doesn't hurt either.