We all want thriving businesses, and in order to do so, there is one main thing you need. Clients! However, you don’t want just any clients. You want those ideal, juicy clients. The ones with whom you feel energized every time you engage with them. The clients who love you and your services and are happy to pay your fees because they recognize the value you bring.
So who exactly is this ideal client? It’s YOU! More than likely you got into business because you felt a calling to either help people or create something that would meet a need or desire in the marketplace. And more than likely, you also chose your business based on a need or desire you have or had in the not too distant past.
Not always, but very often, we go into business to heal ourselves or fill a deep need or desire of our own, especially as service professionals. For example, if you are a health coach, you may have struggled with weight or food issues. Or perhaps you have a deep love and appreciation for beauty so you became a designer. I know for myself, I have spent my whole life trying to find and refine my voice and that is what I help entrepreneurs do in their businesses.
It follows then, if your ideal client is like you, then one of the best ways to know your clients better is to know yourself better. The more intimately you understand your owns needs and desires, the easier it is to connect with and market to your ideal clients.@HeatherPoduska (Tweet this) If you take the time to ask the right questions of yourself, you will suddenly see a shift in the quality of clients you attract.
Here are some things to think about to get your started:
1. What do you want most out of life? Is it optimal health? Wealth? Do you want to master a particular skill? Do you want to leave a legacy? Dig deep to get the answers. More than likely, those are areas with which you resonate will resonate with your ideal clients as well. This will enable you to have much more empathy in your marketing and connect with your audience.
2. What do you need to create your best life? What products or services do you need? What do you need to learn? Who do you need to reach or know to get that information? Are those similar things to what your clients are looking for? Ask yourself how you can fill that need or become that resource for them.
3. Where were you 3 years ago? Often our best clients are just a few steps behind us on their journey to success. We may sometimes feel this makes us less qualified to help them, but in truth it is an asset. As you are highly in tune with what their next, most efficient steps might be, you can position yourself and your products in the most effective way.
4. What mistakes do you wish you could have avoided? When you can clearly articulate your own mistakes along the way and importantly, identify how you would have done things differently, you have a gold mine. You understand exactly what your potential clients need to look out for and have the solution to help them avoid nasty pitfalls. You become an invaluable resource.
As you can see, you already have a lot of information about who you ideal client is right at your fingertips. All you need to do is pick up a mirror!
Until next time, here’s to hitting all your high notes!
I love to hear your voice!
How do you try to understand your ideal clients better?
Post your answers below in the comments or find me on Facebook.
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Heather Poduska is a brand strategist, business coach and opera singer who helps entrepreneurs and small business owners create client attractive brands, polished brand images and brand communication strategies to increase their visibility and impact in the marketplace and grow their businesses.
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