Heather Poduska has over 30 years of experience performing for audiences both live and in front of the camera as a singer, actress and interviewer. She has performed in major theaters and in front of thousands of people. Now Heather brings her presentation skills to the business stage. If you would like a polished, dynamic speaker for your next event, contact Heather today!
“How to go from Anonymous to Unstoppable”
-The 5 Secret C’s to Creating a Client Attractive Brand-
In today’s crowded marketplace it is not enough just to hang a shingle on your door and expect clients to roll-on in. You need to stand out and be heard above the noise. Otherwise, you run the risk of remaining your own best kept secret! In order to go from anonymous to unstoppable, you need to know how to represent yourself and your services in the most compelling way. Let Heather share with you the 5 Secrets to Creating a Client Attractive Brand.
“They See You Before They Hear You”
-How to Create an Authentic Brand Image –

Heather can also customize a talk for your group or organization. Topics could include:
-Niches to Riches.
-How to overcome stage fright.
-How to create work that aligns with your purpose and passions.
-Empowering mindsets for entrepreneurial success.